The City of Timmins is announcing additional proactive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, while there are still zero confirmed cases in the Porcupine Health Unit catchment area.
Timmins Transit customers are being asked to board transit buses from the rear doors only, and to keep a fair distance from the bus operators and other customers. Only customers with personal mobility devices will be permitted to enter and exit through the front doors.
As a result, Timmins Transit will not be collecting fares until further notice. In addition, pass and ticket sales will be suspended.
Customers are asked to stay behind the caution tape at the front of the bus, and to keep the seat(s) behind the operator free at all times, in keeping with health officials’ recommendations on social distancing.
Timmins Transit continues to be a safe method of travel, and will continue with precautionary measures in place. Cleaning and sterilization schedules for buses and facilities has been increased.
The City of Timmins will continue to monitor the emerging situation and follow the advice from Public Health, and take further precautions as necessary to help keep members of our community safe.