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VILLAGE VIDEO: Watch this snow coronavirus take shape in under two minutes (timelapse)

This is someone's job!

They say that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. 

So what do you do when life has given you not only a pandemic, but also a *record-breaking snowfall in the first week of May?

If you're Village Media's Heather Green-Oliver, and you just might be a little stir-crazy from all this isolation, you build yourself a five-foot-tall sculpture of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on your front lawn. And you make sure to film it for work.

Watch it all take shape in the video above.

Do you have an interesting, funny or heartwarming video that you think we should see? Email it to [email protected]

In the coming weeks, Village Media will be running a series of videos meant to enlighten or entertain you while we all go through this period of COVID-19 isolation. We hope you enjoy!

*Yes, Sudbury was unfortunate enough to experience this.


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