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Work on roof, pool deck flooring ongoing at Sportsplex

The pool has been closed since early in the pandemic
2020-11-02 sportsplex update MH
Work is being done on the roof at the Archie Dillon Sportsplex. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

There is no confirmed date for when the pool at the Archie Dillon Sportsplex will reopen.

It was closed earlier this year because of COVID-19 and was originally slated to reopen in August.

When the contractor started replacing the roof — a 2020 capital project — "it was discovered that the existing subsurface of plywood, and framing materials were extremely rotted due to moisture escaping from the interior of the building," said City of Timmins project supervisor Gerry Paquette.

"An architectural firm was hired to review the existing issue and provide a solution which they did.

"This increased the scope of the project, requiring the entire roof to be stripped down to the interior roof decking. Additional material had to be ordered as per the consultant’s recommendation."

In the past six weeks, he said the weather has not been cooperative for the roofing work to be done.

With the pandemic closure of the pool, earlier this year council gave the green light to replacing the deck floor. The flooring was last replaced in 2003 and nearing the end of its useful life, according to a staff report.

The $176,625 project to supply and install the new floor surface is being done by FBMC Inc.

Paquette said the work on the pool deck is ongoing.

"The demolition, removal of the old floor surface, plumbing repairs, floor drain installations and floor preparation is complete. The new flooring cannot be installed until the work on the roof directly above the pool deck has been completed as any debris that falls on the deck floor during the flooring install will compromise the installation and the warranty. We expect that the flooring installation will be completed towards the end of November," he said.

Once the pooling and deck are installed, aquatic supervisor Amanda Nadeau said two to three weeks are needed to "wrap a few other items and begin our staff training."

"Fingers crossed that we get to have the pool re-opened just before Christmas," she said.

"Unfortunately, our re-opening timeline is subject to change and can’t accurately be confirmed with a specific date at this time."

The ice rink at the facility is also closed. Right now, there are only two city-owned ice pads open, the Whitney arena in Porcupine and the McIntyre arena.


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