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Work to replace Hoyle bridge driving forward

The design contract has been awarded, with the goal of replacing the decommissioned structure in 2024
2021-11-21 hoyle bridge
The Hoyle Bridge on Frederick House Lake Road has been closed since November 2021.

Nearly 1.5 years after the Hoyle bridge was closed, concrete steps are being taken to replace the structure. 

LEA Consulting Ltd. has been awarded the $331,939 design and construction contract administration for the bridge over the Porcupine River on Frederick House Lake Road.

“LEA came with a different approach so there’s not going to be any in-water work,” said Scott Tam, director of growth and infrastructure, at the April 25 Timmins council meeting. 

The hope, he said, is that it will speed up the process and work on the bridge can start earlier than anticipated. Right now, the target is to replace the bridge in 2024. The contract awarded at the April 25 meeting also includes securing the approvals needed for construction. 

The construction contract still needs to be tendered and approved by council. That will happen after the design and approval work is finished. 

Coun. John Curley, who represents the area affected, asked if it's possible to tear down the existing bridge this year. The reasoning, he said, is that next spring there could be high water or fish spawning that could delay work. Staff did not confirm if the request could be done.

“This fall or winter, by removing of that bridge that’s existing there, that will definitely help the construction period to be done in 2024,” said Curley.

Since the bridge closed in November 2021, traffic has been rerouted down Carrigan Road. 

A public meeting after the closure, which at the time the city said was indefinite, saw more than 100 people pack into the Hoyle Community Centre for a heated discussion. 

Emergency access to the Connaught area, safety issues on Carrigan Road and communication with people impacted were among the issues raised by residents. Residents also questioned whether the city is taking their concerns seriously.

SEE: People drive home safety concerns after Hoyle bridge closure
RELATED: New bridge favoured option for Hoyle closure

Weeks after that meeting, impassioned residents filled council chambers hoping to hear an update on the options for the bridge. At that meeting, the council at the time directed staff to focus on the replacement of the two-lane bridge as the preferred solution for the closed Hoyle bridge.