The Timmins Police held its annual “Cram a Cruiser” food drive this past Saturday at various grocery stores throughout the city to gather donated food and funds for area food banks.
This year proved to be the most successful since its inception. See results below.
- 2017—1,905 kg of food and $3,320.40 in currency
- 2018—2,767 kg of food and $3,233.35 in currency
- 2019—2,041 kg of food and $4,855.21 in currency
- 2020 –3,696 kg of food and $7,150.75 in currency
This campaign is spearheaded by TPS Aux Staff/Sgt Glenn Simpson and OPP Aux Sgt Tibor Lesko who take on the preliminary logistics in collaboration with OPP Aux Constables Rick Audet and Kathier Charlebois to get the ball rolling.
Timmins Police Auxiliary Unit members Glenn Simpson, Rob Ferri, Lacey Rigg, Tammy Grydsuk, Nick Buczkowski, and Heather Albert are to be commended for their tireless collective efforts in making this campaign such a successful undertaking.
Special thanks are extended to Tina Simpson, Budget Rental, Discount Rental, PADS K-9, and GFL Timmins Ltd (Glenn Simpson) for logistical and vehicular support.
In addition, the success of this campaign would not be possible if not for the cooperation and eager assistance of the management and staff at the following grocery stores:
- Pick of the Crop,
- Wal-mart,
- Metro,
- Foodland,
- YIGS; and
- Food Basics.
In addition, the Timmins Police Service wishes to acknowledge the selfless actions of the following Northern College -Police Foundations students: Emily Brueske, Austin Klomp, Logan Daoust, Jasmin Moore, Kim Wesley, and Matt Walcer.
Each of them who braved the cold, rendered enthusiastic assistance and contributed to the overall success of the campaign.