THUNDER BAY — Sixty per cent of the fatal collisions on Northwestern Ontario highways last year involved commercial motor vehicles (CMVs), according to OPP.
CMVs, as defined by OPP, include tractor-trailers as well as other large trucks.
According to data collected across the OPP's Northwest Region, there were 21 fatal highway collisions involving vehicles of all kinds in 2024.
CMVs were involved in 13 of these incidents.
That was a 30 per cent increase from the preceding five-year average (2019 to 2023) of 10 fatal collisions involving commercial motor vehicles.
Across Ontario, about 20 per cent of fatal collisions on highways last year involved a transport truck.
An OPP spokesperson said speed, improper lane changes and following too closely are the main contributing factors to OPP-investigated CMV collisions every year.