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Dash cam video of Highway 11 transport crash shows danger of passing near a curve

By sharing it, police hope to raise awareness about road safety
OPP have released dash cam footage from a crash on Highway 11 earlier this year to raise awareness about road safety.

Dash cam footage from a crash earlier this year on Highway 11 has been released by police. 

By sharing the incident that saw a transport truck try to pass another transport while approaching a curve in the partially snow-covered road, police hope to raise awareness about road safety. 

The transport trying to pass crashed into an oncoming passenger vehicle.

"Unbelievably, there were only minor injuries to the driver of the passenger vehicle, but the potential for disaster was enormous," said OPP on social media.

The crash happened in February 2023 on Highway 11 south of Cochrane. The driver of the commercial motor vehicle involved — a 22 year old from Brampton — was charged with careless driving and failing to complete a daily inspection report.

"This near tragedy underscores the critical importance of safe driving, especially in low visibility conditions. Let's all prioritize road safety and make responsible decisions behind the wheel," said OPP.