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Snowplow ditched near Cochrane leads to impaired charges

The vehicle was in the westbound ditch, facing eastbound, says police
A Cochrane man is charged with impaired driving after a snowplow got stuck in the ditch.

COCHRANE - The driver of a snowplow that got stuck in the ditch is charged with impaired. 

On March 11 around 3 a.m., James Bay OPP responded to a call about a snowplow stuck in the ditch on Highway 652 in Kennedy Township, about 10 kilometres east of Cochrane. 

The vehicle was in the westbound ditch, facing eastbound, said police in a news release. 

The driver was arrested and taken to the Timmins Police Service for testing. 

A 50-year-old man from Cochrane is charged with operation while impaired - alcohol, and operation while impaired - blood alcohol concentration (80 plus). 

The accused was released from custody and appears in a Cochrane court on April 15. His licence was suspended for 90 days and the vehicle was impounded for seven days. 

None of the charges have been tested in court and the accused is considered innocent unless proven guilty.