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‘Sustainable Economic Development in Northern Ontario' courses available: Only a few spots left!

Written for economic development professionals, politicians, and civil society activists across Northern Ontario this online course will help you understand the opportunities for building community and creating wealth across the North.

Written for economic development professionals, politicians, and civil society activists across Northern Ontario this online course will help you understand the opportunities for building community and creating wealth across the North. 

Economic development is more than cutting trees and digging holes.

Minerals are finite, forests are threatened, and industry is subject to frequent trade restrictions. Commodity prices fluctuate, technology can reduce or grow employment, distance increases cost, a scattered population stretches services, and taxes are high. Important decisions about business, labour, media, education, investment and politics are usually made elsewhere.

How can we act to promote sustainable economic development?

Open for registration, Northern Policy Institute’s courses on sustainable Northern Ontario economic development aim to answer this question.

The 12-week course is led by well-known Northern Ontario Economist Dr. David Robinson. It is designed to challenge how participants think about regional economic development. It helps them understand how to take responsibility for the future of the North.

As the only course uniquely focusing on sustainable development for Northern Ontario, instructors will highlight the forces shaping people and institutions and introduce global research focusing on successful sustainable economic development strategies.

The program has had a total of 127 registrations since its launch in September 2021 from all over Northern Ontario and surrounding areas. 

The original course is also offered in French and will be taught by Dr. Martin Lefebvre. 

The upcoming courses begin on September 11, 2024 (SNOED 101) and January 21, 2025 (DEDNO 101). 

Who should take this course?

  • Municipal politicians who make or influence economic decisions in Northern Ontario and want to learn more about taking action and creating wealth.
  • EDOs in Northern Ontario who make or influence economic decisions and growth.
  • Provincial, municipal or federal employees living in Northern Ontario who make or influence economic policy decisions.
  • Board members of financial, environmental, social government or economic development organizations doing business in the North.
  • Citizens who have a passion for their communities and want to be a part of the solution.
  • People in southern Ontario considering or planning to move to Northern Ontario.

What is included in the 12 sessions?

  • Gain exclusive access to a comprehensive website featuring stories and videos of people who have changed the history of Northern Ontario with their community action.
  • Interact and learn with fellow students and share lived experiences from across the North.
  • Receive a weekly e-newsletter of relevant information beyond your coursework.

The North is one of the most beautiful places in the world to live and is worth fighting for. Sustainability of this region requires innovation, collaboration, education, courage and determination.

Change the way you think about regional economic development by clicking here.

For more information on Northern Policy Institute’s courses on sustainable economic development in Northern Ontario and a complete course outline, visit or

Please direct any questions about the course to Emily Davis, Program Officer at [email protected].

What do former students have to say about the course?

"It was a wonderful experience... truly focused on providing tools to create an environment of sustainable development for Northern Ontario and giving the history that has led to where "we" are now.” - Kelly Bolduc-O'Hare, Board member of Lambac & Community futures Ontario

"I really enjoyed this class. It was a good investment of my time. I have no aspiration to be an EcDev professional, but from a purely personal interest perspective, it was worth it! I have really enjoyed this class. Love your teaching style, and the topic is fascinating.” - Wendy Watson, Director of Communications, Greater Sudbury Utilities

"Overall, I have been happy with the course and have learned some things that will benefit our community. I hope that I will be able to convince some of our new Council members to take the course early in 2023 as I think they would get some real value.” - James Franks, Economic Development Officer

"I am sending you many thanks. For a short while, I wasn’t too sure that I wanted to continue working in Ec. Dev. but you gave me tools that I do think will help me with future projects.” - Chantal Croft, Community Development Officer

"Great course for anyone starting in the economic development field. Dr. David Robinson is very passionate and has a great teaching approach.” - Adele Tremblay, Economic Development Officer

“One of the biggest takeaways for me is the Northern Ontario spin. I’ve done the UWaterloo course and it can be hard to relate hearing them talk about wealth in London and Toronto but it’s hard to scale to what we do here…We can’t operate our economic development departments the same way they do south of Parry Sound.” - Steve Antunes, Economic Development Manager