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Meet Timmins mayoral candidate George Pirie

Pirie understands community's rich, cultural mosaic
Timmins mayoral candidate George Pirie. Supplied photo

TimminsToday asked each of the candidates to submit a bio to introduce themselves to the voters. Here's Timmins mayoral candidate George Pirie's: 

Hello! My name is George Pirie and I am asking for your support on Oct. 22 in my campaign for mayor of Timmins. As an individual born and raised into a family that came to the Porcupine 100 years ago, and having lived at the mine site villages of Dome Extension and Dome with my four brothers and two sisters, it is safe to say that I have a complete understanding of the rich, cultural mosaic which is our heritage. I understand and have lived through the numerous challenges this community has faced and overcome and what we can accomplish working together with strong leadership and a clear vision of the great potential  of this vast and magnificent north land and this vast and magnificent city.

I was fortunate to go to secondary school at RMSS when it was created from the merger of Schumacher and South Porcupine High Schools. Everyone worked together with excellent teachers under strong leadership with a clear vision and the result was academic and athletic excellence.

I was fortunate to work on the Porcupine General Hospital board and St Mary’s Hospital board when the Timmins and District Hospital was conceived and created. Again it was a lesson in strong leadership with a clear vision of creating a district health care facility for all communities in this region.

There are very few, if any places better than here to raise a family — which is why we chose to come back to Timmins to raise our family and begin my mining career with Pamour Porcupine Mines in 1980. I joined Placer Dome in 1985 and my career progressed through the company becoming CEO of Placer Dome Canada and executive vice president of Placer Dome Inc. It was in this role that I created the Porcupine Joint Venture with Kinross. Today, these mining lands are the basis of the Goldcorp operations in the Porcupine Camp. The PJV was a success because we had strong leadership with a clear vision.

I was fortunate enough to work internationally and gained invaluable experience working with many different cultures and Indigenous groups. I understand what we can achieve together with strong leadership and a clear vision as we continue to weave the social fabric of this community. At present, I am honoured to serve on the board of Wahgoshig Resources and Niiwin.

I currently serve with the Timmins Economic Development Corporation and am the chairman of the board of governors with Northern College — both institutions that are actively engaged in securing the future of this region.

I humbly submit that my life-long passion for Timmins and the region as demonstrated by continual community involvement throughout my career, combined with my belief in its unlimited potential and commitment to you the citizens to work towards this end, qualifies me for the office I seek and I respectfully ask for your support on Oct. 22.

Stay in touch with his campaign:

On Facebook

[email protected]

The other candidates in the mayor's race are:

Steve Black, Raymond Burey, Daniel Fortier, and Lauchlan MacInnes


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