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Anniversary party on the menu at downtown Timmins pizza joint

Sparks Pizza has been slinging pies for a year
Lisa and Tim Jamieson are celebrating Sparks Pizza's one-year anniversary with trivia and, of course, pizza.

How many pizzas can one pizza shop sell in a year?

That’s one of the questions Sparks Pizza’s owners are asking people in Timmins as part of their one-year anniversary celebration, which will culminate in a party at the shop on Friday, Aug 23, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 

“It’s exciting to see something we worked over a couple years to build before we even opened, so to be open for a year now, time has flown very quickly,” said owner Tim Jamieson.

Their online trivia contest — which can be found on Facebook and Instagram — has garnered really interesting answers so far, and owner Lisa Jamieson said she’s impressed with what’s coming in.

“There are a couple people that are just about bang on,” she said. 

The important thing for both of them was that anyone can participate in the trivia.

“I don’t think anybody, even myself, would know without looking at a report,” said Tim Jamieson. “There’s a few other surprises.”

The last year has been exciting for the Jamiesons, and the community support for their business has been heartwarming. Over the last year, they’ve also supported local artist Justice Sutherland who painted a mural in the restaurant.

Tim said he’s always looking for different flavours and experimenting to see what he can offer.

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“We run a monthly special, like a featured pizza for a month that’s very unique,” he said. “It allows for a pizza that may not make the full menu because it’s not that popular, it’s not the main event, but it lets people try new and interesting flavors.”

The pizzas are wood-fired, and the oven came to town from Naples, Italy. The pizzas that go into that oven are all homemade, with only a few ingredients ordered from other businesses.

While the team at Sparks has been busy working on an upcoming menu shake-up, the goal is still the same: make good pizza.

“We will be expanding into another category of food, so we’re excited about that,” said Tim “There’s always a lot of practice, a lot of taste testing, a lot of fixing and tweaking the recipe until it’s perfect.”

The celebration on Friday is one they’re both looking forward to, with Lisa saying people can stop by for a cupcake, enter their name in the draw and, of course, enjoy fantastic pizza.

Tim is looking forward to handing out the raffle’s grand prize — a 24-karat kobe beef pizza.