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Change made to ward meetings schedule

There will now only be one session for Ward 5 residents
Timmins mayoral candidate Michelle Boileau.

Ward meetings with the mayor and local councillors are moving ahead, but there's a slight change to the schedule. 

There is now going to be only one Ward 5 meeting on Monday, Oct. 23 at Collège Boréal.

When the upcoming sessions were announced, there were going to be two meetings for the ward because of its size. The change means that the Oct. 18 meeting is cancelled.

The meetings are a chance for people to hear about capital projects and future plans specific to each ward. Each meeting will feature Mayor Michelle Boileau as well as the ward representatives.

There will be opening remarks and a presentation by council members followed by a question and answer period. 

Questions don't have to be submitted in advance, but if you wish to do that, email your ward councillor. 

All of the meetings start at 6 p.m. and will be about 1.5 hours. 

The schedule is: 

  • Ward 1 - Thursday, Oct. 5, St. Dominque Church Hall, 365 Norman St., Timmins
  • Ward 2 - Tuesday, Oct. 10. Maurice Londry Community Centre, 72 Main St., South Porcupine
  • Ward 3 - Wednesday, Oct. 11, Croatian Hall, 24 Father Costello Dr., Schumacher
  • Ward 4 - Monday, Oct. 16, Northern College cafeteria, Porcupine
  • Ward 5 -Monday, Oct. 23, Collège Boréal, 395 Theriault Blvd.