Youth of all ages are needed for a new Science Timmins project.
The local organization is taking part in a youth-focused climate change project called GenAction. The federal government has earmarked $6 million for science centres and museums across the country to lead it by delivering climate change engagement programs.
Tune in with our Climate is the project that Science Timmins is running.
It targets youth from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and presents challenges dealing with climate change and problems with the environment, according to announcement.
“This initiative is an excellent opportunity for our youth to find solutions to the problems created by climate change. They will take the lead in their communities to contribute to reducing climate change effects threatening our environment, our style of living and our Earth," said Antoine Garwah, Science Timmins president and CEO.
Science Timmins is located in the lower level of St. Mary's Gardens, with the entrance in the laneway behind city hall.