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Public Works is springing into street sweeping operations starting the last week of April 2014.

April 29th, Public Works Departments wishes to announce that with the snow finally starting to melt, the sweeping operations will be gearing up. Street sweeping is weather dependant operation and […]

April 29th, Public Works Departments wishes to announce that with the snow finally starting to melt, the sweeping operations will be gearing up.  Street sweeping is weather dependant operation and operations can’t start when snow is still left on the street or when temperatures drop below zero degrees.  It’s been a long winter and sweeping operation is a of sign of spring has arrived. 

Sweeping operations focus on the collection of winter sand left on the streets, sidewalks, municipal parking lots, and medians across the City. 

Parking Restriction Information: The overnight no-parking restriction is still in effect until May 15, 2014.  After this period, overnight sweeping operations will be posting no parking signs prior to starting the work.  Daytime sweeping operations will be also posting no parking signs prior to starting work. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 

Where: Sweeping operations generally start on major arteries as well as in downtown / high density areas.  Operations then progress to lower density / residential of the City. 

How Long: Sweeping operations will take several weeks to complete.  There is a lot of sand to pick up this year because of the long winter so we ask residents to be patient. 

Contact the Public Works Office during regular working hours (7am to 4pm) at 360-2646 if you require further information. 

Public Works Department
