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VIA considers route change amid derailment restrictions

A trans-Canada passenger train is considering a route change crossing closer to the Sault and may offer the possibility of a link-up with the Algoma Central Railway (ACR).


A trans-Canada passenger train is considering a route change crossing closer to the Sault and may offer the possibility of a link-up with the Algoma Central Railway (ACR).

Via Rail is open to the possibility of moving the Winnipeg to Toronto corridor of their Canadian passenger train from CN tracks to CP, said Maxime Dupont-Demers.

“Hopefully the trip between Winnipeg to Toronto can resume. We’re hoping for the summer season we will be back on track but we cannot give a timeframe for that,” he said.

The proposed route change would mean the VIA passenger train would cross the ACR at Franz instead of the current crossing north at OBA.

If enacted, the VIA passenger train would then travel along rails closer to Lake Superior.

“From a tourism standpoint the southern route is particularly attractive because of the views of Lake Superior,” said Linda Savory Gordon, co-chair of the Coalition for Algoma Passenger Trains (CAPT).

The propsed change would modify the route from the current Winnipeg-Sioux Lookout-Hornepayne-Sudbury to Winnipeg-Thunder Bay-White River-Sudbury.

Savory Gordon said the added benefit to Via would be increased ridership because the train would pass through more populous towns and cities along that route.

Earlier this month, VIA temporarily suspended service of the Canadian passenger service in light of speed restrictions imposed by CN after recent derailments on their line near Gogama.

“If you’re stuck behind that (freight) train for 600 kilometres, it is a big waste of time and you could be late,” said Dupont-Demers.

Dupont-Demers said VIA may resume on the current tracks if CN lifts the speed restriction, but signing an agreement with CP for the use of their infrastructure is a definite possibility.

“We are considering all options,” he said.

VIA is offering customers vouchers or rebates for the cancelled passenger trains during the suspension of service.

Savory Gordon is encouraged by the possibility of an ACR transfer point closer to the Sault. Currently there is no simple way to transfer from the ACR to VIA, or vice-versa.

“What we want is to have a functional transfer point on the ACR down to the Sault, and using the Huron-Central line from Sault to Sudbury-North Bay,” said Savory Gordon.

Dupont-Demers said it was too early to say if a transfer point at Franz would be feasible for VIA to consider.

(PHOTO: Fires burn at the site of a derailment near Gogama earlier this month. Transportation Safety Board handout)

Kenneth Armstrong

About the Author: Kenneth Armstrong

Kenneth Armstrong is a news reporter and photojournalist who regularly covers municipal government, business and politics and photographs events, sports and features.
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