The Timmins Police Service arrested a Timmins resident stemming from an incident where the suspect was found to be in breach of a set of court imposed conditions listed in his probation order.
The Timmins Police Service responded to a public complaint where it was discovered that one of the parties involved had breached his probation order by disregarding the imposed curfew during the morning hours of Sunday, Oct. 10.
The responding Timmins Police officers completed an investigation into the matter and determined that such activity was in violation of strict conditions imposed upon him by the Provincial Court in Timmins.
As a result, Tiza Mutswairo, 44, of Timmins was taken into police custody and is charged with:
• fail to comply with probation order contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada
The accused remains in police custody awaiting a bail hearing slated for this morning at the Ontario Court of Justice in Timmins to answer to the criminal charges laid against him.